alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user afixar
afixar (2)

afx Fashion Gallery

Picture Viewer for collections with AS2 and XML resources: References - Thumbnail - Scrolling.
3845 downloads, 30517 views

as2 xml photo gallery fashion scrolling

Download (542.66 KB)


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user rahulr4
rahulr4 11 years ago

When I am publishing this image not loading please help me :(

user icelanderus
icelanderus 12 years ago


user gentewiki
gentewiki 12 years ago


user teekintji
teekintji 13 years ago

What Flash Is Flash 11, Is it CS or CS2 or CS3 or CS4?, I Can't Open your Project, Is It Lock, Can you give me an open source, because your gallery is the best, we don't need to resize image according to monitor resolution, Thank a lot [email protected]

user mecaenet
mecaenet 13 years ago

hi this is a prety cool exercise very usefull,
but ihave a little question it is posible to change the description number of each image when you press a thumb....?

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