alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user moosakhan
moosakhan (2)

Steam effect

I created this simple steam effect using Flash CS3.
Maybe this might be of any help to all the developers.

3585 downloads, 33637 views
Download (64.91 KB)


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user heraclides2000
heraclides2000 14 years ago


user laxoe
laxoe 15 years ago

Very nice!!!

user Vinata
Vinata 15 years ago

I need to use the steam effect only as well, but I can't afford to buy a Flash program right now to modify the file. Is there anyone out there that has already modified the file that would be willing to share it with me? Thanks!

user peaches
peaches 15 years ago

lovin' it

user rccintra
rccintra 16 years ago

Nice smoking effect. My screen was dark and I wasn't seeing it. Now I see. Thanks! I might use just the smoking effect! Cheers!!

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