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user pedrokost
pedrokost (5)

Glowing black matter

A project i created long ago. I converted it to a screensaver that is included to the zip file
855 downloads, 17818 views

balls glow spring black screensaver colors random

Download (721.57 KB)


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user energywelt
energywelt 15 years ago


user ceroaporte
ceroaporte 15 years ago

nice art concept, name it black matter and all i mean. congrats

user pedrokost
the listing author pedrokost 15 years ago

Thanks for the kind reply.
THe idea of the game engine is nice, but aren't there already enough of them out there? Maybe...once i have more free time...

user jorgerosa
jorgerosa 15 years ago

Your work is very very interesting. Would be great to see all this compiled in one fla, and maybe create an open source flash game engine. With light effects, particles and physics... Of course its a titanic job, but who knows... Awesome work! Thankyou for share!