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You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
folk_jr (5)
Ceu estrelado sky
Efeito simples utilizando actions.simulando um ceu estrelado
Simple effect using actions. simulating a covered with star sky
2037 downloads, 14176 views
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_root.my_mc._visible = false;
hello my friend,
i have used this beautiful development on a movie im currently building. I have placed this movieclip along with its AS2 code on my main stage (scene 1) exactly like you show here in this exercise, the problem is that i want to remove it at a certain frame further up on the same main scene, but i cant seem to make it desappear or remove at all! I have tried everything from removeMovieClip to UnloadMovie and all sorts of commands but it just doesnt work. It looks like the code u used here duplicates "estrela" in a sort of a permanent loop...Is there a way to remove this clip from its structured code??
very nice..... very useful thanks
Legalll xD
gostei! parabens.