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user yacarepy
yacarepy (2)

Vertical yacare XML menu

For the Flash Menu Contest. You can configure the XML file to create a menu navigation and sub-menu navigations.
3804 downloads, 26901 views
Download (4.79 MB)


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user lorelarr
lorelarr 13 years ago

Muy bueno el men, el tema es que tengo un menu similar y necesitara saber como cambiarle el nombre al archivo xml de menu a menuvertical para que no tome las propiedades de otro archivo xml que estoy usando. Gracias

user xxxrich
xxxrich 16 years ago

savster i agree with that last comment! whats the deal with the ratings :S

user savster
savster 17 years ago

Perhaps Jing1 should qualify who he is - seems particularly critical and a touch pretentious and what's with giving scores to each file presented - are you a wannabe teacher? - this works well and can be adapted well to other applications - good work

user jing1
jing1 17 years ago

I think it needs to be smoother and on the original buttons I dont think they should go over the submenu buttons on rollover. 8/10