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pradeepkorri.. (7)
Simple XML Drop Down menu
Here is Example of simple Drop Down Menu from xml5648 downloads, 43814 views
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make it in as3
can u help me to set hyper link for this menu
home page looks like this alone is not going well when I click on the link ... I would be glad if you can help ...
<menu label=">>home page" link=""/></menu>
<menu label=">>product" link=""/></menu>
Hi ...
I fixed the problem so thank you. will be a question ... xml file in <menu label="home page" link=""/> </ menu> When the problem comes in the form of writing as a home page but I want to make a single connection to the other sub-menus that open want not a single home page link!
hi 14music please check my another tutorial for that. down_menu_v2_2412.html
hi tufidayi please check the path of your xml.
possible it is wrong. you need to map the xml path from that page on which you have integrate the flash
Hi thanks but I have a question first because when I add the banner joomla xml data does not come???
merhaba ncelikle teekkrler ama bir sorum olacak neden joomla baner olarak eklediimde xml verileri gelmiyor???
problem neden kaynaklanyor
how to make sub-menu disappear on mouse out?
Very it possible to add multiple, different subject menus to the same page or add line breaks to one menu
Hi Every one who want to add link to the sub menus please check my new tutorial "Simple XML Drop Down menu V2"
Hi. Can you tell me how to add links in the menu?
how dod you link the sub links? please post in comments...
hi pedrocoimbra i Have added links to the old file. please email me on [email protected] i will send you those modified file.
Thanks you
yo how do i add links plz help
hi pradeep namaste
im currently following ur tutorial i have 10 links just like product parners how to make the menu_mc small
hi how to add sublinks to Shirts
How can we put the links to a web page in the xml file?
So that it works?
Would love to use this to, but need links in XML file as well. What about a color change in the submenus? Easy to do?
How can we put the links to a web page in the xml file?
So tht it works?
And of cource a TARGET="whatever".
I haven't look in details or download it, but the problem with this menu is that unless you click/rollover on the menu/submenu of other section - the other sub menu will dissappear. There is a case when user will not rollover on other menu. In conclusion, it needs on rollout function for its own menu in a way that when the mouse is rollout the sub menu will dissappear.
Thanks so much pradeepkorriya !!!
i was able to resolve the issue with linking to web pages... pain in the ass lol
this is exactly the engine I'm looking for, although i have no clue on how to add links to the xml. Pleas help?
its a great menu , but how can i put the links to a web page in the xml file? I tried with <menu label="Properties" href=" htm"/> but it doesnt work...
hi very tanks