This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe

wiyono (2)
Simple flash vertical menu
This is really simple and nice menu..So easy to use and really nice
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1963 downloads, 29389 views
flash menu wiyono qualit tsmanagement tsmanagementhandbuch dienstleistungen thomas m hlenbeck
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@wiyono.... Ester bilang : wani piro? hahahhahah :D
@Ester......... Panganan po kuwi... aku ora ngerti..... wkwwkkkwkkww...
@stevenso.... Yez CS4 and i can open in CS5 too........
Esto pone lo que le da la gana, si alguno me ha entendido lo que he puesto,genial, si no pues nada.
Esto se ha equivocado yo no he puesto Naciones Unidas? Bueno que si sabeis como insertarlo en la pagina web, y que no de error en el lenguaje Script...
Es un menu muy sutil, me gusta. Pero sabeis como insertarlo en la pagina web y que no de un error en el Actions Script? Gracias de antemnao
I can't open the file, it sais Unexpected file format? Is it Flash CS4?
cool n nice
Muchas gracias, muy bueno
Grato, Clayton
basicamente voc precisa do Adobe Flash, e editar o .fla da maneira que achar melhor
basically you need Adobe Flash, and editing. fla as you feel better.
by google tranlator
Nice piece!
How do I configure the menu text and/or images?
Obrigado, muito til
Easy and useful
I like it.
@ostiore, Thank you...
usefull, indeed.
I hope you like this... heheheee...