alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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Scrolling menu

Scrolling (XML) menu with fullcreen and special time mechanism. Script needs ( DOWNLOAD - 29.mxp )
8902 downloads, 52843 views
Download (491.94 KB)


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user manningb57
manningb57 14 years ago

I like it very much, however there is one problem. When you go to click on a specific button, it is hard to click on the one you want.:(

user pedropolar
pedropolar 14 years ago

its really great thanks. Theres a way to put it inside a movie clip?

user esko
esko 14 years ago

How do you install mc_tween_2_28_29.mxp in order not to get #include

user maxhenrry
maxhenrry 15 years ago

esta bien , pero deberian de aberlo echo un poco ams largo .. esta muy junto

user hardikvd
hardikvd 15 years ago

cool... dear... nice1

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