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user NoGrids
NoGrids (3)

NG XML Menu 3

A simple xml menu with rollover effects in style.
9855 downloads, 45797 views
Download (97.63 KB)


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user mariano1234
mariano1234 13 years ago

hello nogrids...would you please send me an example on how to add links to the buttons on the same page? (self)thank you very much.
[email protected]

user solecoza
solecoza 14 years ago

Hi NOGRIDS, would you send me an example that explains how to add a link (geturl) to each button? Thanks.
[email protected]

user leoncreativo
leoncreativo 14 years ago

Hi, I need the example, add call getURL function to load the link for the current pressed button.and not far from AS only animate. Garadeceria much you an example.

I would also like to say how disable your text effect just need the effect of the bar and it is xml to load the titles and links through the xml.

This excellent, congratulations. [email protected]

user tassiatyler
tassiatyler 14 years ago

How do I add special characters to the buttons?

user beeeeer
beeeeer 15 years ago

how can i link the buttons here?
its not work:/

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