Multi-Level Menu file preview

Multi-Level Menu

A simple menu with multiple levels. The idea is to animate each menu item once a level is changed. The animation starts with the item clicked and the delays are propagated through the neighbors. The animation delays follow the same logic for the incoming items of the new level of the multi-level menu. As optional elements we have a breadcrumb navigation and a back button (not shown in our demo).... more >
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397 downloads, 9476 views

multi-level multilevel multi level menu css html

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user tlove777
tlove777 8 years ago

Noob Q - how do I upload this to my website?

user clwright
clwright 9 years ago

Absolutely Gorgeous, can't wait to play with it. Thanks!

user manishswarnkar89
manishswarnkar89 9 years ago

Simply Beautiful. Thanks.