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user gayalcham
gayalcham (1)

flower blooming ripple menu

this is a simple navigation menu that created by using flower blooming effect and simple water ripple and enjoy..!
created on with action script.2 flash cs3

1264 downloads, 19024 views

menu navigation bar button banners image effects animation

Download (823.88 KB)


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user gayalcham
the listing author gayalcham 11 years ago

Thank you Rayan.temy. i will update more projects on this page.. happy project..! :)

user Ryan.Tempy
Ryan.Tempy 11 years ago

Very nice work on this...basic outline of what I was looking for to use on my project. Thank you.

user gayalcham
the listing author gayalcham 15 years ago

hay thank you all.. silvester and folko..!
its really help me to create my next creation..!

user Silvester
Silvester 15 years ago

Very delicious !

user advance-media
advance-media 15 years ago

Hey Gayal, so good to hear from you!
I really like you're a water effect. Great job!
How are things in Sri Lanka?
Nowadays I am testing flash cs5 and air 2.5 and hope to come up with some awesome apps for the android market soon. The flash 10.1 player is truly amazing on nexus 1 phone. I wish you could see your water effect on a mobile phone. Nice! Greetings to everyone!