alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user lucasmotta
lucasmotta (19)

Combo Box

need the Laco Movieclip Tween:<br /><br /><br />download here:<br /> ipTween120.mxp
5058 downloads, 29302 views
Download (25.21 KB)


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user sonali
sonali 16 years ago

not available in the download attachment.

user energywelt
energywelt 16 years ago

Very very nice!

user condemore
condemore 17 years ago

Thanx Luca!
Would it be possible to use lower case letters?


user shabith
shabith 17 years ago

thanks lucas :D

user LacosteMedia
LacosteMedia 17 years ago

u are the greatest! i been following you for a bit and i found on here!! U DA BOMB!