alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user blackjack
blackjack (1)

Black XML Menu

Horizontal XML Menu with sub buttons.
Enter URL and button text in XML file.

11177 downloads, 60298 views
Download (22.13 KB)


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user ElDon
ElDon 13 years ago

Hi everybody i know my question might be really easy to answer ..but i'm new to this things... I wanted to enlarge the uppershown navigationsbar .... but somehow no matter what i do the mainpart remains the same ( buttons ) ...second question how do i change or replace the background ( i want to replace the logo) ? thanks for the help

user m.elbadawy
m.elbadawy 14 years ago

hello blackjack,

I'm creating a flash template to sell in

can I use the code of the menu in my template?

really I'm loving it and in need of it.

Thank you

user samirdesign
samirdesign 14 years ago

very nice

user inasian
inasian 14 years ago

thanks... good

user kamikazo
kamikazo 15 years ago


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