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user kutsalodun
kutsalodun (5)

Basic Elastic Menu

Basic Elastic Menu
must download Movieclip tweening prototypes from 0.mxp

12716 downloads, 56108 views
Download (18.09 KB)


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user brettmcmaugh
brettmcmaugh 15 years ago

//put this code on the first mc on the stage and create an empty 2nd key frame on the next frame of the main time line and ad stop(); to each frame and try it...//

onClipEvent (enterFrame){

user tonink28
tonink28 15 years ago

Simplesmente cool.

user argadw
argadw 15 years ago

hemmm...where is the link<?>

user jcdesigns
jcdesigns 16 years ago

can someone email me an let me know how to turn these into working links, [email protected]

user piekevanger
piekevanger 16 years ago

Very nice menu! Where can i put a link to a button? And how can i add extra buttons to the menu. Thanx!

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