alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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user perkele
perkele (2)

A Different Approach To G94 Menu

Heavly inspired by Lucas Motta's G94 scroll, I came up with this. I used a real scroll bar instead of up and down buttons. It's coded in AS2 as i am still unfamiliar with AS3.
Menu contains 16 items which are top 16 agencies listed in's profile page :)
I used Laco tool which could be obtained from:

4032 downloads, 34619 views
Download (22.61 KB)


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user graphections
graphections 15 years ago

How can I make this go to a frame label?
Or run a function onRelease.

user d3rson
d3rson 15 years ago

u can't put >SWF< after word "attributes".... try remove this...

user somarcio
somarcio 15 years ago

Hy man, help-me please. I need LoadMovie this line:
output_txt.text=Items_Xml.firstChild. childNodes[this.i].attributes.swf

I try this, but not ok. cont.LoadMovie=Items_Xml.firstChild .childNodes[this.i].attributes.swf
tks ;)

user psychodesigner
psychodesigner 16 years ago

Nice job!!!
how can I download that class ???
please leave the link

user newsmars
newsmars 16 years ago

Good but after the test movie the button dont launch animation blue on button ?

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