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user Dabuki
Dabuki (3)

water waves real effect

Water waves real effect, static and interactive.

1996 downloads, 36009 views

water waves real effect static interactiv

Download (1.51 MB)


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user rngala
rngala 13 years ago

This is tech, like the action, so far i dont think jQuery or those wannabe scripts can match this.... not yet.
Good image concept.

user patriciocass
patriciocass 13 years ago


user alexgl2004
alexgl2004 13 years ago

If circle created by mouse make more eliptical...It will become more real.

user Ricky123
Ricky123 13 years ago

Cool effect.I found a lot of like flash gallery xml this.

user kayoub5
kayoub5 13 years ago

the effect is very good
but I can't say the same thing about the effect performance(it requires a lot of CPU, and sometimes glitches, when you shake the mouse)

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