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user utellioglu
utellioglu (13)

panoromic scroll

scroll, sound...3D effect
8233 downloads, 65716 views
Download (6.69 MB)


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user J.Kovalev
J.Kovalev 11 years ago

Cool job, thanks!

user divyadharshini
divyadharshini 12 years ago

Awesome yaar!!!!!!!!!!

user vane_x
vane_x 14 years ago

Amazing Application and Amazing Profile Avatar :)

user profdesigner
profdesigner 14 years ago

Sound super!

user picassoo
picassoo 15 years ago

you ar the best

user thecumhur
thecumhur 15 years ago

paylamlarn iin teekkrler..! zellikle panoromic scroll ok baarl..! flash mail dzeldimi onda sorun vard ? hatrladn m?

user emrahmizam
emrahmizam 15 years ago

arkadam eline salk iyi olmu bu arada bir ey istiyecektim
bir forum sitesi ayorum ve bana animasyonlu ve gzel bir logo lazm eer bana byle bir logo yaparsan ok sevinirim fiyatta sorun deil ne kadar istersen eer deerse veririm lutfen mraacat iin mail yollar veya msn adresimi ekle bu konuda daha ok konuup anlaalm mail adresim : [email protected] mailini bekliyorumm...

user PontoX
PontoX 15 years ago

Muito bom !

user finder99
finder99 15 years ago

this looks so nice..

user nancykapoor
nancykapoor 16 years ago

wow!!! its looking g8... can u plzzzzzzz give me flash 8 professional file of this... m not being able to open this one... its looking u cool...
ausumm.. good job done..
i wana see how have u done this... plz can u provide its flash 8 version.. i am waiting email id is [email protected]

user idoing
idoing 16 years ago


user wolverene
wolverene 16 years ago

Say the preview is bigger than it's area. What happened to the view in full feature?

user VALERA.
VALERA. 16 years ago


user hesplue
hesplue 16 years ago


user bullyjosh
bullyjosh 16 years ago

Very nice parallax effect. I've done these a couple of times for assorted banners (mostly for racing clients who want this perspective, because it's what you would see from a race car/truck.) One thing I would recommend is adding one more layer:the sky. It BARELY moves when you use parallax, and in yours its movement is equal to the background mountains. Another suggestion is to cut pieces from a single image (foreground, midground, background, skyline, etc) so that the lighting is consistent. Your foreground is very muted, while the mountains have a much more sunny setting. Finally, if you're not going to put this on an infinite loop, there's no need to "reflect" the image to get more material. While it's a great technique for infinite scrolling, when you have control over the speed you notice those things pretty quickly. Just use an image with a wider field of view. Cheers!

user vanguardista
vanguardista 16 years ago


user wregger
wregger 16 years ago

great perspective effect!

user luismaria86
luismaria86 16 years ago

Muchas Gracias! Genial! 10/10

user iweb
iweb 16 years ago

TAAAAANKS! For all your work!

user fast09
fast09 16 years ago

amazing! nice great job!

user h35am
h35am 16 years ago

very nice done!

user kan039
kan039 16 years ago


user Alexandra
Alexandra 16 years ago

superb! I like it!

user utellioglu
the listing author utellioglu 16 years ago

go my website and send mail... write... your problem!

user OmeIII_X
OmeIII_X 16 years ago

scrolling not work for me

LFRYARTGUY 16 years ago

ha...this is great!