
Free web games (breakout, minesweeper, etc).

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Brick Game

Brick Game

..................... Rated 3.9 of 5 2306
Snake Game

Snake Game

.................................. Rated 4.0 of 5 1213


A game somewhat similar to mario only one level made yet Rated 1.6 of 5 899


The original for today...give it a go Rated 4.2 of 5 2025
Actionscript Asteroids

Actionscript Asteroids

Here is a flash asteroids game that I coded today. It is done entirely with actionscript, there is not a drawn object in the ... Rated 4.9 of 5 919


Here is my minesweeper. Pretty simple and not good looing, but it took me like an hour. Rated 3.9 of 5 745
3rd Person Walking

3rd Person Walking

-Just a simple code to show how to easily make a movieclip move in a direction at a constant velocity -Use the arrow key ... Rated 2.0 of 5 716