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You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
lucaz (10)
Memory Game
Memory game with card symbols.This is my first post in actionscript 3.0.
It was done with a tutorial.
7339 downloads, 44248 views
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Hi Lucas,
When I run it from Flash "message_txt" writes different from those such as typing in "o, n, and so on." , as and when you want to print another text box does not display the entire, showing some letters.
Can you help please.
@ mvseixas: add the following:
import flash.text.TextField;
whitch tutorial?
thanks for sharing..
Hi lucaz,
when i export the .fla appears in compiled erros windows: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: TextField.
Some movie clips appears with link in properties, like
BlueBoard Source: Browse:....:...:chapter08/Capturing_FIN. fla
Boarder Source: Browse:....:...:chapter08/Capturing_FIN. fla
Card Source: Browse:....Documents/NEW AS3/memory/memory.fla
mcIcon Source: Browse:... 9-10/Snow.fla
Snow Source: Browse:... 9-10/Snow.fla
I think that was the same issue as wenhan 93 and splinters
Hope you'll help. Thanks