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user enhanceNick
enhanceNick (7)

JetPack Engine V2


Follow up camera
new particle system
more space
better control and visuals

2008 downloads, 21834 views
Download (1.95 MB)


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user johnburg
johnburg 15 years ago

Good Job,Thank u ~~

user Ewee8
Ewee8 16 years ago

Can I please use this on my website? My email is [email protected]

user onlybjork
onlybjork 16 years ago

I'm sorry, but i don't like this srolling. Yes, it's smooth, but, not quick enought to see in front of the jetman. To see what i mean, try to go faster as you can across this cave, your man will leave the screen ! Do you knowing the "org.cove.ape" physical library, it maybe usefull... Keep going on. :)

user tsandhu
tsandhu 17 years ago

Just spent a good proportion of my lunch break on it.
Really looking forward to level 2.

user AudioVoyuer
AudioVoyuer 17 years ago

Wow this is really cool - has got great potential! Keep Working it!

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