This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe

activetofocu.. (9)
Php Contact Form
2.simple,easy. verify email and with PHP.
Use Method:
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6075 downloads, 41000 views
simple easy email php contact form
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@hair (1 year late !)
try to rename contact.php_safe with contact.php
It works for me, but why the _safe, activefocus ?
how do for this blog? I do not understand very sorry.
Today,I got a new donate from majorscribbler.
Thank you majorscribbler.
Now any donations, we will provide to him a modify service or commercial product selection.
After receipt of donation, we will contact you directly or you can send us mail.
hello guys, i'm new here and it's my 1st time to use flash contact forms. i usually use html+php. i tried using this form, changed the 'receiver' in the .php file to my gmail account. i put the .swf in an html file and uploaded the html, php, & .as files to my server. now i tried using the form and it kept showing 'send failed. pls try again'. what could be the problem?
Thank you very much!
@sveisvasta - with your clarification, it makes more sense. I think the part that really set me off was when you said you needed to use a "fake" email address. If you are using gmail, this should be an easy setup, and I've actually used freehostia for just this type of thing, with limited success. Your main problem is going to be with sendmail support, because freehostia does NOT allow you to send to outside domains. So you need to setup a domain email address. So if your domain is, setup a dummy account inside your domain, like [email protected]. This is the email you will insert into your php script. That's all the scripting you need to do.
Now you need to setup [email protected] to forward to your [email protected] address. This is done in freehostia's admin tools, and is very straightforward.
Finally, if you want to make it even MORE transparent, you can go into your gmail account and set it up as the email client for your domain. Here's how you do that: in your gmail inbox, click "Settings" in the upper right corner. Then click the "Accounts and Import" tab. The second option down is "send mail as." Click the button in that section that says "Send mail from another address." Enter the name you want to appear along with your [email protected] email address. Choose to send through Gmail, and then choose to send the verification.
Now you'll have to go back to your freehostia admin tools and use them to login to your domain's web mail. I believe they use Roundcube, if that hasn't changed. Now, follow the instructions in the verification email and you'll be good to go.
One extra step that I did to make sure I didn't miss any email from my domain was to apply a label to all messages sent to [email protected], so they stand out in my inbox. That should be all you have to do. Hope this helps.
Sorry for my bad English, again.
My questions are strange because my pure knowledge about PHP and all servers side technique.
Second, my English is great limit for posting correct questions.
I not need to send mail to anyone from anyone; I just want to make contact form, with you tutorial.
So, I'll try again to put correct questions, and I'll looking for you answers.
I put files <html, swf and php> on freehostia server, free account (I have suspicion on this step and SMTP, but I'm not sure...). My $to address is on google, [email protected]. Sending line in php will look as:
mail('abc@', 'Hallo', 'Mesage' '[email protected]')
This not works. For me, reason is very simply: !!!You can't send email anyone from anyone.!!!
If I'll have full webhosting without restrictions, and real web address,, with all files <html, swf and php> on them, I'll be able to send mail to my self, inside my domen, with any address?
mail('[email protected]', 'Mesage' ' clientAddress')
That looks logical. I'll first send thanks mail to client (see below), and second mail to me, with client address, which I'll replay to client in future.
In similar scenario, I can send response message to client thru <localhost> (XAMPP, php.ini, sendmail.ini) and my google account.
mail([email protected]', 'Hallo client', 'Thanks for you message, I'll send mail to you, with answers, very soon' ''abc@' )
Sorry for misunderstanding, and thanks for you answers.
@ sveisvasta....
Dude, are you seriously asking us to discuss sql injection techniques for this form? Are you out of your mind? You're the reason I research PHP injection security measures and use them in my own work to thwart the very thing you're trying to pull off. I know a few secrets but I'll never tell you about them.
This sql injection crap is a crime and serves no useful purpose.
I agree w/ bullyjosh...this is shady stuff.
Sorry for my bad French. This is a douche move. Spend your time making good apps rather than making victims of innocent people and their work.
@sveisvasta - sounds like you're trying to do something shady at the very least. For my part, I'm not going to justify a question like this with an answer because I can't think of a valid reason why you would need to do this. I'd caution others to be wary as well, unless you can provide a valid use case for what you're trying to achieve.
Sorry for my bad English.
I'm confused. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
In <php> file, mail($reciver, .... "From:$sender...) mean:
"Send e-mail from my server (all files, <html, swf and php> are on my server), to me, and in mail form put senders e-mail address.
1. I can put fake address in <From> ?
2. What's about $to = address on some other server, [email protected]? In that case, I can send e-mail to anyone, from anyone?
I'm try this options, in all cases, and its unpossible.
hi csabharp:
also uploaded the php file in your main path.
I think, it is a usefull product. But if I want to take this in an other swf, it doesn't work. Pls, tell me, how can I call the Actionscript file? I cnt find that script in the fla, what do it
Thx for ansewer
@activetofocus It was not so much a certification of your file as it was a refutation of @nedfrenzy's initial assertion (which he has graciously withdrawn). I have no way of knowing for sure that your code is original, nor do I care, because as I indicated before, this type of form is very common on the web. My main concern was to foster an atmosphere of productive exchange, rather than the finger pointing you and he were engaging in. He's indicated his willingness to do so, and to be honest, even if he was trying to drive traffic to that site, there's no harm there. I've been over the site he linked to, and it has tons of useful tutorials - I recommend people check it out! Please consider not being so preoccupied with that, and understand that the issue has been clarified, and Nedfrenzy has admitted he was wrong. Beyond that, if you continue to stir the pot, you're just being a troll, and you'll not find many fans of that here. Again, cheers.
@bullyjosh Thank you for certification audit.
I hope @nedfrenzy he is not adser.Also hope that he will do not talk without evidence.
@ bullyjosh, cheers back at ya. Make mine a Guinness. It's food.
@nedfrenzy. No prob man, I think labeling you as a spammer after one opposing statement from you was premature at best. We post material up here in order to be helpful, but also to receive feedback, and Active wasn't prepared for the "constructive criticism" part evidently. Check my history here, and you'll see that I've made knee-jerk reactions about plagiarism here too. And been put in my place by folks willing to investigate it better than I had. So generally I try to discount my initial reaction and give posters BOTD unless they're repeat offenders, in which case AdrianTNT will probably have banned them anyways. Anywho, thanks for manning up and admitting your hasty comments - hopefully Active gets all that- I get the feeling English isn't his primary language... ;) Here's to the free exchange of ideas/opinions/criticisms/accolades that ffiles tries to promote: Cheers!
I applaud the time and energy involved in examining the details and agree that there's a ton of these basic forms all over the place-- thus, when I saw something very familiar I made an initial comment. In a public forum, people will comment on work. People will speak their opinions, even if they are not based on anything other than a hunch. As a creative, it comes with the territory. Rather than lashing back with accusations of ad spamming, you might just say "It might look familiar, but it works and it's free to use--enjoy." I shot a random volley across your bow with my eyes closed, don't freak. I'll remove the blindfold and see things how they are. I'm not too insecure to admit I misspoke.
Perhaps if we were in the court of scientific discourse, I'd have taken more time to fully consider the ramifications of my actions before having a knee jerk opinion. I scoffed out loud and could only remember one link off the top of my head before heading off to lunch-- again..not spamming an ad. Not a big deal if you actually did the work...just own it or ignore the comment.
@bullyjosh. Dude, you took the time to do a line by line examination. You're right, we all need a chill pill.. That's exactly why these forums are set up. Peer review, discussion, debate and support among people with shared interests in the subject matter to keep the standards high. Nice work, bro.
Come on guys, there's nothing that original here. There's PHP/Flash contact forms littered all over the interwebs. For my part (although I'm not fluent in PHP) while activetofocus' php script looks completely generic (and very basic) it doesn't look ANYTHING like either one of the tutorials that Adam posted on developphp's site. Both the variables and methods are completely different.
With Flash I am much more proficient, and after looking through the files, I am almost 100% certain that activetofocus did NOT "reverse-engineer" Adam's files. The ONLY similarities (outside of the OBVIOUS - they're both contact forms after all) is that the DTBs in each have mostly the same instance names - however, they're completely common names like "name_txt" and "msg_txt" - not exactly proprietary. Outside of that, their libraries are completely different (ie activetofocus uses MCs for the "send" and "clear" buttons, while Adam actually uses a button instance for his "send" button or the fact that activetofocus uses an external AS file, while Adam uses embedded code inside the .fla.
All in all, I find nedfrenzy's accusation completely baseless - I examined EVERY one of his accusations and found them ALL to be false. The DTBs are in the same order, active just has one more text box than Adam's. The text prompts are NOT the same, for the most part, and again, when they are they're obvious prompts like "Please enter your name." I don't know that nedfrenzy was posting an ad - although I suspect he WAS, because he linked to the front page of the site, not the page that Adam's file was on. Kinda suspicious if you're trying to prove your case, bud. In any case, don't take my word for it. You can download active's file above, and here's the links for Adam's two PHP flash contact forms: rial.php?tid=23 orial.php?tid=43
Compare them yourself - they're nothing alike.
oh,you just down our files and post your site,but you must our information statement.
Guys if you have other files, come post them on flashsourcecodes[dot]com also
Thanks a lot
the @ does not work
Looks like the product too much, please do not be so suspect, we are free to everyone
This is ourself product. isn't an ad. I just think you are reverse engineering someone's work and passing it off as your own. The link is to verify that the file already exists elsewhere..and has been there a long time.
admin please delete @nedfrenzy message.
That's a ads.
This looks like a 1 to 1 copy of Adam's Flash/ PHP contact form tutorial on ... you rearranged the dynamic text boxes but it's identical in every way--including what the text promompts say. Do you give him credit for his work?
source is php contact form.
Yes the php file its here, change the name of contact.php_safe to contact.php
No PHP file to send to?