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You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe

marciossanto.. (1)
XML Banner Rotator
Rotating banner totally customizable.In XML you can change:
- Color of title
- Color description
- Background Color
- Speed
- Picture
Banner rotativo totalmente customizavel.
No XML voc pode alterar:
- Cor do titulo
- Cor da descrio
- Cor do fundo
- Velocidade de apresentao
- Imagem a ser exibida
1456 downloads, 23774 views
banner rotator xml actionscript 3 customizable color
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so can anyone tell me the easiest way to edit this? would be of mush help! thanks.
Boa Cara! Parabens!
Nice job! Congratulations!
@newton27: I created a few more features to the banner and have released it on this link oducts_banner_rotator_3230.html
This is has unlimited products and more customization possibilities.
Excellent! Just a suggestion, you could add to xml customization the text "A partir de:"?
SHOW de bola Marcio
interesting, easy to modify. would be a good contribution