This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
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afx Simple Show
Simples slide bannerNew version without error
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4232 downloads, 38601 views
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Muito louco :)
so cool man!! thank you so much
@xandrremi - Qual arquivo FLA voc est falando? Todos os arquivos para fazer o slideshow esto disponveis. Agora se voc se refere a animao, contrate nossos servios que teremos o maior prazer em cria-la.
@xandrremi - FLA What are you talking about? All files to the slideshow are available. Now if you mean the animation, hire our services we will be happy to create it.
falta arquivo FLA. no gostei
muy bueno, ;) saludos