alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user salmank
salmank (4)

Mouse Cursor

Custom Adobe Flash mouse cursor (pencil).
3434 downloads, 40145 views

mouse cursor pencil

Download (27.37 KB)


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user laedid
laedid 9 years ago


user frank.finton
frank.finton 12 years ago

nice one!! could you gimme a short procedure to do this??? i downldd the flv file and searchd fr the clues, found had to understand. so pleazz...

user varshaparab_78
varshaparab_78 13 years ago


user moonbaz
moonbaz 14 years ago


user tjkomal
tjkomal 14 years ago

awesome man...
but isnt it just actionscript following the mouse ?

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