3 Dimensional

3D web projects, 3D web animations, etc

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3D Circular Proximity

3D Circular Proximity

Here is a quick experiment, your comments are welcome :) Rated 4.7 of 5 4095
3D Class

3D Class

This is my 3D Class. It consists of a number of different objects that all work together to allow you to build a world of 3d ... Rated 3.9 of 5 973
3D Ring Wave

3D Ring Wave

Here is something I quickly whipped up in Mx. It isn't a true accurate 3D system but is effective for this application. Rated 4.5 of 5 1885
3D Wave

3D Wave

This application generates sinsuoidal waves on a psuedo 3d grid. I really came by this effect by accident. If you look at the ... Rated 3.2 of 5 1366
Fais World

Fais World

its my world... where you can c me me me and me lolz..... kiding.... i dont know wat 2 say abt this piece of work.... its qui ... Rated 4.9 of 5 2926