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user sveisvasta
sveisvasta (6)

Text Animation Tool

Sorry for my bad English.
Classes for text effects.
Download Talas.rar, unpack, and run TalasDemo.swf.
Make effects, and <copy> and <paste> generated code in Talas.fla. Test Talas.fla.
Text effect can be made from "String" and "TextField" (NOT for TeksTalasButton).
Some animated text in TalasDemo.swf are made from String, some from TextField.
Use this for making intros, menus...

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user sveisvasta
the listing author sveisvasta 14 years ago

Sorry for my bad English.


First step: Changing font inside
Open and find code below (line 304)
format = new TextFormat("Times New Roman",
instead "Times New Roman" type font you wish, ex. "Verdana"
format = new TextFormat("Verdana",

Second step: Embeding font in your <.fla> doc.
Easiest way:
Open Talas.fla - <.fla> document, and from Library <copy> <paste> MovieClip <fontEmbed> in your <.fla> doc.
Double CLICK on MovieClip <fontEmbed> .
There are two Dynamic Text inside <fontEmbed>, first for regular, second for bold font.
(If you need Italic, <copy> <paste> one Dynamic Text, and in Properties change Style to Italic.)
For all Dynamic Text in Properties change font (in CS4 -> Family) to Verdana.

All this work in SC4, and Im shure (?!) in SC5.

Thanks for comment...

user minimamente
minimamente 14 years ago

Thanks for this awesome tool.
I cant change the font in CS5, please explain me how to do it or post an example.
thanks again

user sveisvasta
the listing author sveisvasta 15 years ago


TextField that serves as source MUST be invisible until transitions playing! It is first step in TekstTalas code.

To avoid distortion from its original position (for Authoring time created TF) use Anti-alias for animation.

Download this simple example: mpleTextF.html

TekstTalas is base class. This class menage 1 effect.
TekstTalasLinija is extended from TekstTalas, and menage any number of effect, including 1.
If you want to use 1 effect, you can use TekstTalas or TekstTalasLinija.
But, if you want to use more than 1 effect, you MUST use TekstTalasLinija.

user emy2009
emy2009 15 years ago

congratulations! that's awesome

user easyshooter
easyshooter 15 years ago

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