alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user RubenBristian
RubenBristia.. (15)

XML Simple Drop-Down Menu

This is a very basic but nice xml menu. It has two leves, and it's highly customizable via xml.

You can change from the *.xml :
- the color of the menu
- the color on roll over
- the color of the text
- the width of the menu
- the height of the menu
- the font size

To change the font, just change the embedded font from the main *.fla file. To add new items, just add a new "item" node...
more >
9111 downloads, 56577 views
Download (70.33 KB)


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user 20289235
20289235 14 years ago

Hi..please help to change the black background.

user dzenouzf
dzenouzf 14 years ago

please help how to make three levels please expamle

user m.elbadawy
m.elbadawy 14 years ago

hello rubenbristian,

I'm creating a flash template to sell in

can I use the code of the menu in my template?

really I'm loving it and in need of it.

Thank you

user arvindsingh
arvindsingh 14 years ago

it's good .......

user reddigitall
reddigitall 14 years ago

Menu background's black color has been take in care you can write me an e-mail and I can send you back the AS correction. Thank you very much

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