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user h1e1
h1e1 (9)

Menu With Reflections V2.0

Images menu with reflection and rollover glow effect.
Version 2.0 Made with Adobe Flash 10, ActionScript 3.0.

4899 downloads, 33806 views
Download (738.68 KB)


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user J.Kovalev
J.Kovalev 13 years ago


user infonomics
infonomics 13 years ago

Wow! Very Impressive, both design and flash.

user Guihgo
Guihgo 13 years ago

Cara gostei muito q e queria editar, mas quando fui abrir o arquivo eu no consegui editar.

Ser que possvel voc me encinar?

Eu queria editar as figuras, (invs de apenas cores, queria que elas ficassem com palavras, ex.: Home, Contato, -> tipo um menu de site)

Muito obrigado

user sergioaqueri
sergioaqueri 13 years ago

very nice your flash

user titan1719
titan1719 14 years ago

thanks problem solved. :)

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