alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
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Follow Menu

Another piece of work that we have done!Basic principles.
Hope you guys enjoy!

6052 downloads, 34425 views
Download (94.02 KB)


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user dermeister
dermeister 15 years ago

you take this of digitalbrand website. but good job ;)

user tiagohenrique
tiagohenrique 16 years ago

Como eu coloco isso no meu site

user sleepdragon
sleepdragon 16 years ago

Great!!! Love it

user villitani
villitani 16 years ago

Can you post the as3 version of this?

user aviantis
aviantis 16 years ago

you have stole this menu from "" old website!

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