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user nireve
nireve (4)

ScrollBar fullstage AS3

This is an AS3 full-stage scrollbar. If you download the file, extract the zip and rename the file AC_RunActiveContent.js_safe to AC_RunActiveContent.js
Read the html source file to see how to set the <body> to remove the browser scrollbar or just keep this file.
To remove the carrusel effect ( resize your browser to see ) read the action script layer and comment this line :
// content_2.y =...
more >
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5323 downloads, 36721 views

scrollbar fullscreen fullstage as3

Download (88.46 KB)


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user thedimebag
thedimebag 11 years ago

veryy good

user Danqerous
Danqerous 15 years ago

Thanks! Good works.

user jon_jon
jon_jon 15 years ago

would be better if is mouse wheel enabled

user mbarcala
mbarcala 15 years ago

Ok i understand very well. what about the second question??

this one:
Hey, I forget to ask you something else about this movie. how i can take out from the "scroll_scroller" the ways it resize depending the size of the "scroller_area". I just want to resize it manually to any size I want?

what line i should look inside???? for me to figure out


user nireve
the listing author nireve 15 years ago

mbarcala: i unswared for your first question but i`m not interested to learn you as3.

Have a nice day.

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