alert This appears to be a flash file, you cannot see a preview because flash player is no longer supoorted in browsers, but you can still download the file to study it's source code.
You can open/play the swf file with Flash Player exe
user jimmyjimson22
jimmyjimson2.. (3)


mousetrail using text.....(you can edit the text you want and the font)
3858 downloads, 29327 views
Download (5.69 KB)


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user vallavan
vallavan 11 years ago


user jimmyjimson22
the listing author jimmyjimson22 13 years ago

hi dear Mr. Muhsinap....

its simple...i will send a sample file to u..pls give me ur email address...


user muhsinap
muhsinap 13 years ago

Hello Jimmy,

I want to make a flash please help me for that. The flash is.. There is a image which is covered by twenty small images. If we click one of the small image, it should disappear and we can see the background image of that part.

I tried a lot, but I failed. Please help me..

I created the file by convert all the twenty small images to BUTTON and I tried some commands but I failed. Please give me a way to create this flash. (I am using macromedia flash 8)

user activetofocus
activetofocus 15 years ago


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